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About Regina

Welcome to Spa Adagio Holistic Wellness Center, 25 years in business since 1999.

Where our commitment to your well-being continually expands. Founded by Regina Schneider, a nurse and holisic massage therapist and LMT since 6/1999.Where our commitment to your well-being continually expands.

Regina fosters a nurturing atmosphere, guiding clients to slow down, relax, and reevaluate their lifestyles including sleep.

A consultation with Regina includes a comprehensive overview of actionable steps to enhance your life. Drawing also on her experience as a sleep-study nurse at JHU, Regina understands the significance of a good night's sleep. Our latest offering, the Itamar WatchPAT, is a sleep-screening device that monitors your sleep patterns. Analyzing this information can provide valuable insights into improving your energy levels. High levels of anxiety can be evaluated during the sleep and helps to understand why all the effort some give is without results.

Married to the renowned medical doctor, visionair, founder and expert in sleep medicine Regina is on the road with him since 1988 when sleep medicine was still in its Kinderschuhe/beginnings.

Regina's holistic approach extends beyond sleep, encompassing massage therapy, exercise, stretching, and relaxation techniques like breathing, Yoga and more. These personalized recommendations will help you slow down and embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle.



Pictures of Spa Adagio